Eyebrow and Forehead Lift

15 October 2016
Cosmetic Surgery admin
Eyebrow and Forehead Lift

A brow lift or forehead lift reverses the effect of gravity and the forehead’s retracted soft tissue to give your forehead skin, upper eyelids and eyebrows a more youthful look. There are various methods to lift the eyebrows including incisions with different lengths in different spots and, sometimes using an endoscope.

In women, the lateral edge of the eyebrows should be naturally arched and placed above the eye socket. But in men, the outer edge of the eyebrows should be at the same line as the eye socket. Drooping and deformity of the eyebrows as we age is very common. If the eyebrow drooping inhibits your facial appearance, a brow lift is considered a proven method for rejuvenating the upper third of your face. Every year, thousands of people successfully undergo brow lift surgery and are pleased with the results.

How is a brow lift surgery performed?

The brow lift surgery has evolved from open techniques to more complex ones with short incisions and endoscopic methods. The brow lift incision is usually made under the scalp; however, sometimes this incision is made on the forehead or upper eyelid.

  •  Open brow lift technique: Your surgeon makes a long incision across your forehead. The incision can be made either at your hairline or in one of your forehead creases. Then, the surgeon loosens the muscles and removes any excess fat and skin. Afterwards, he or she pulls down the remaining skin and stiches the eyebrow in its new location.
  •  Endoscopic brow lift technique: Your surgeon inserts an endoscope (a thin tube with a light and a video camera attached to its end) in your scalp through several tiny incisions. This allows your surgeon to observe and work on the various internal structures of the forehead. While small incisions are made in the endoscopic technique, it is not equally beneficial for everyone.
  •  Limited (temporal) incision brow lift technique: This technique that is a combination of the two previous techniques, is an endoscopic technique with limited incisions. Limited incision technique uses a small portion of the end incisions of the open technique to raise the outside part of the eyebrow under direct vision without using an endoscope. The wounds caused by incisions are hidden in the temporal hairline, even in people with sparse hairline (though, the brow and forehead lift is more challenging in bald people). While the surgery does not address the center area of the eyebrow, it can eliminate wrinkles around the eye. Since most of the forehead surgeries are performed with an eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), the upper eyelid incision is used to complete the forehead lift surgery by treating forehead frown lines between the eyebrows and elevating the inside part of the eyebrows.

To determine which of the brow lift techniques is suitable for you depends on your facial features and your aesthetic priorities. The goal of the surgeon and his or her assistants is to help you achieve more beautiful and natural looking results along with an easy and comfortable procedure for you.

Pre-operative instructions:

  1. Shower the night before the surgery
  2. There is no need to shave the hair
  3. Fast 8 hours before the surgery
  4.   Have all the tests and other medical documents with you
  5. Stop taking aspirin two to three weeks before the surgery

Post-operative instructions:

  1. Use ice compress regularly for 36 hours
  2.   The head and shoulders should be elevated and you should sleep in a sitting position
  3.  Shower the third day and wash your hair with shampoo
  4. Take cephalexin every 6 hours for 5 days.
  5.  Don’t die your hair for at least a month.
  6.   Wear headband every night for three weeks.

Benefits of brow and forehead lift

  • The scar is not visible.
  •  There is no need to shave the hair.
  •  The result lasts long.
  •  It is an effective and beneficial procedure.

Frequently asked questions:

  1.  The recovery time after surgery? One week is sufficient.
  2.  How long will the results last? It depends on the type of skin, but usually it lasts for approximately 10 years.
  3.  What are the complications of the procedure? Bruising, numbness, visibility of the scars, which usually disappears over time.
  4.  Treating forehead wrinkles and frown lines in patients who don’t have drooping eyebrows? In this case, the Botox injection is enough.
  5.  Can men also benefit from the lift surgery? Yes.
