Rhinoplasty for Patients with Thick Skin

23 September 2016
Rhinoplasty admin
Rhinoplasty for Patients with Thick Skin

What is a nose with thick skin?

Nasal structure comprises of subcutaneous skin, cartilage and bone. Two third of the lower part is cartilage and one third of the upper part is bone. Some of the patients who have large nasal tips assume that they have a nose with thick skin, while it can be because of the cartilages’ bulkiness in the tip of the nose and can be fixed. The surgeon is the one to evaluate your situation.

The nose with thick skin has a ragged surface with open pores and the subcutaneous tissue is excessive. Though rhinoplasty is possible for most such noses, the patient should have reasonable expectations. In cases that the skin is very thick, surgery should be avoided and the patient must not insist on it. Obviously, a very thick skin may not completely shrink back after the surgery, and it also doesn’t allow the surgeon’s skills and arrangement to be well seen under the thick skin.

How does a thick skin affect rhinoplasty?

The nasal structure consists of skin, cartilage and bone. Bone and cartilage build a frame for the nose, and it can be said that skin is a cover that is placed on this structure. When the nasal skin is thick, it’s hard to see the structure beneath it. Thus a nose with thick skin usually has a more uncertain angle and setting, and as a result, it’s difficult for the surgeon to improve the nasal structure. Usually, a cartilage graft is used to improve the structure and the angle of the nose, and as a result its appearance.

The recovery time after thick skin rhinoplasty

Unfortunately, one of the downsides of a thick skin is the recovery time after surgery. The initial time chart is no different from other kinds of noses and the patients can return to work after two weeks. But a nose with thick skin may be swollen for a much longer time than a nose with thin skin, so that even after a year the swelling can be clearly seen. There may still be some swelling left after 18 months. This means that patients with thick skin should wait longer to see the end result.

Achieve the best results

Because of its complexity, rhinoplasty can have many complications, especially in patients with thick skin. Therefore, it may be difficult to find a doctor who understands the subtle differences of different kinds of noses. Patients should only consult with an experienced and specialized surgeon who has a long history of performing these kinds of surgeries.

Important Note: The result of a thick skin rhinoplasty depends on surgeon’s skills and experience, and today, we can have a good surgical result by using modern surgical techniques and also improving the cartilaginous skeleton.
